How To Make Any Recipe Vegan

Plant-based everything is on the rise, but if you’re new to a meat-free or vegan lifestyle, adjusting can be difficult. Sure, there are plenty of alternatives to animal-based products at health food stores, but hanging onto your favorite (not vegan) recipes, or just whipping up the latest Instagram home cooking trend can create a challenge. […]


This makes a great little dish and would work as a side for a BBQ or you could even wrap it in a tortilla for something more portable. INGREDIENTS Half a head of cauliflower, broken it to bite size florets 1 – 2 Tbsp Jerk seasoning 2 Tbsp oil Spring onions, finely chopped. Vegan mayonnaise […]

8 must-follow Charlotte food bloggers for recipe inspiration

Charlotte food blogger Jess Bentley’s cabbage lasagna. JESS BENTLEY If you’re tired of looking at your kitchen at this point in the COVID-19 pandemic, maybe we can help. Making home-cooked meals from scratch is a great way to stick to your healthy new year’s resolutions while keeping your immune system strong. Taking a break from pre-packaged foods […]